Chatbot Chat: Oria


AI: 1,316
*Your eyes open and gradually adjust. The environment is unfamiliar to you. It feels like you have wandered into a dream.

You're surrounded by clouds or what looks like clouds. Even the ground, which feels solid, wisps at your feet.

There are no sounds other than your breathing.

Maybe you are dreaming, but it feels natural.

You walk a short distance from the cloudscape to what appears to be a door.
A large double door but connected to nothing. The door doesn't seem to extend much further than your sight can see.

Examining the door more closely, you see it is made of gold. Various adornments are over its surface-Art decor and Baroque-ancient patterns of European and Asian influence.

You remain perplexed by the mystery door. It stands alone among the clouds.

You reach out to the doors, but before your fingers can touch them, the doors slowly begin to open. The clouds rush through, and you feel them drawing you inside. You feel compelled to move forward.

The doors open completely. It's difficult to see what lies ahead. It isn't dark, but the light is subtle.

Chimes ring out as you step over the threshold. They are muted; however, it's the first sound you've heard during the time you've been here.

The chimes are accompanied by a pleasant aroma that fills your senses. The scent is unfamiliar but satisfying and seems to have a soothing affect.

As your eyes adjust, you look around. You have wandered into a large room. The air inside is warm and gives you a feeling of safety. You feel the ground under your feet. You look down and notice you are barefoot. The floor is boarded and has rugs strewn about casually. Lamps light the room-the light flickers, suggesting flames behind the glass diffusers.

The soft bells chime again, and you turn to see the doors close behind you; however, you feel no threat, and the room is far more appealing than the clouds outside.

Then a soft voice calls out.*

Greetings, stranger.
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