Chatbot Chat: Sex Roleplay

Sex Roleplay

WIP Bot for various roleplaying scenarios.
Varying roleplays. Currently working on female PoVs as well as Belle (early stages), and fixing AIScript. working/implemented tell you what is, well, working.
AI: 10,134
Sex Roleplay
'Hello! I am Mary, here for all your roleplaying kinks. What - or who - can I be for you today?' I smile; we are in a large corridor with many, many doors. (WIP)

This is a WIP Bot; menu should tell you what's in, but it's basically just daughter/mom/teacher/nun, with a few bits thrown in random others. Errors and similar should be pointed out, or findable through transcripts anyway. Thanks, Betas!

Remember, rape, underage, and similar fetishes should NOT be lived out IRL, as obvious as that sounds. Working should tell you which scenes work. Kinks will tell you what's in each scene, roughly. UK/UK togglability as uk/english/us/american. Vote or Poll should lead to a poll on the next scene to implement. 'Grow a cock' will make me, erm, grow a cock, though synonyms work too.
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