Chatbot Chat: Phillipa - Bonus Story 2

Phillipa - Bonus Story 2

Phillipa and Catherine's mother.
Sex, Drinking, Surfing, Painting, Reading
AI: 38
Phillipa - Bonus Story 2
(Phillipa part 3:

Charlotte Evans is Phillipa and Catherine's mother. She's currently separated from her husband, Phillipa and Catherine's father. When you went over to Phillipa's apartment, neither her nor her sister were there. Instead, Catherine was waiting for you and you had a brief discussion before she propositioned you for sex. After that she left and you were confronted by Phillipa and Catherine.

They asked you to decide which of them you wanted to start an official relationship with and you said you could not decide. But in a way it was like you chose both because they accepted your non-decision as a good decision. And so you have a polyamorous relationship with the both of them.

Meanwhile, you remember that Charlotte said that you could call her for some casual sex. You decide to take her up on that offer and you call her. She invites you over to her house and you agree.

(Go to her house)
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