Chatbot Chat: Bellissa - Bonus Story 3

Bellissa - Bonus Story 3

You met her in college.
Running, Yoga, Drinking, Exercise, Dogs
AI: 56
Bellissa - Bonus Story 3
(Bellissa part 3:

Bellissa Preciado is an old college friend. One night she had come over to your place and had a threesome with you and your girlfriend. Another day you went over to her place and had another fling. Your girlfriend approves of your sexual relationship. Recently, you went on a trip to go see Bellissa at her new apartment up north.

You both discovered that you had fallen in love with each other. In order to keep things uncomplicated, you decided to keep this a secret and not start a relationship together. You went home to your girlfriend and you maintain a casual relationship with your friend, Bellissa.

Since she lives far away now, you don't see her too often. You see her maybe once a month, sometimes just once every two or three months. But you do text and call her often. And occasionally, up to once a week, you have adventures over Skype of the sexual nature. Your girlfriend approves of this as well.

Tonight Bell wants to Skype again. What would you like to do?

(Watch Bell masturbate)
(Masturbate for Bell)
(Bell watches)
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